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Tennessee Man Guilty of Creating & Selling Drugs (Rat’s Army)


by Matt Weik, BS, CSCS, CPT, CSN

Selling illegal bodybuilding drugs is nothing new. It’s not like this is something that has only been taking place for the last few years. The act has been around for as long as I’ve been on this earth (that’s a long time).

That said, creating and selling illegal bodybuilding drugs has become more common with each passing year, and we are hearing of more and more cases where people are getting arrested. After all, it is illegal.

➡️ https://www.justice.gov/usao-mt/pr/tennessee-man-admits-selling-unapproved-drugs-used-bodybuilding-through-his-kalispell

Now, if you follow my content, you’d know I did a piece a while ago saying how I really don’t care if people take steroids. And guess what? My stance still hasn’t changed. While I’ve never been one to go to the dark side, I’ve been in the industry for 20+ years and am not naive to think the people I surround myself with aren’t or haven’t done steroids — it’s more common than you’d think in the industry.

But again, I couldn’t care less if someone uses illegal bodybuilding drugs. It’s their body, it’s not harming anyone else, so frankly, I don’t care.

However, the news broke that a Tennessee man, Tyler Jordan Hall, 31, allegedly admitted to selling unapproved and illegal bodybuilding drugs through his Kalispell-based business, Rat’s Army.

Let’s dive a little deeper into this news and find out the details, as well as my thoughts.

Disclaimer: While the details of this story are factual, any opinions of the situation or individuals are mine. Also, I’m not condoning the use of illegal bodybuilding drugs or even selling them. But my stance is my opinion, and just like buttholes, we all have one.

The Illegal Operation of Rat’s Army

According to documents online, from June 2020 to March 2022, Hall ran Rat’s Army, LLC.

During this time, it is alleged that Hall imported, created, bottled, and labeled drugs that were to be sold to bodybuilders. These substances were marketed to increase muscle mass, reduce body fat, and counter the side effects of other bodybuilding drugs.

To put it in today’s terms, it appears that he was allegedly a so-called “steroid dealer” in Tennessee. While I couldn’t find any information on how much money he made as an “entrepreneur,” I can only assume that it was a large amount to have enough clients to show up on the radar of the police. Unless he was dealing to an undercover rat, which, at that point, the name of his LLC is sort of funny.

Unapproved, Dangerous, and Illegal Bodybuilding Drugs

The drugs sold included Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulators (SERMs) and other active pharmaceutical ingredients.

Many were unsafe for human use without a licensed practitioner’s supervision. Some had compositions similar to FDA-approved drugs that require warnings about serious side effects, like pulmonary embolism.

But let’s be real here: this is nothing new. “Research chemicals” have been around and used for decades online. You could literally purchase “research chemicals” for “laboratory or research use only” and have them delivered directly to your door.

The companies that sell them, or in this case, the individual, know exactly what they are doing and how to “supposedly” get around the system. Well, that didn’t work out too well for Hall in this case.

Deception and Misrepresentation

Piggybacking off what I mentioned above, Hall misled regulatory agencies and consumers about his products.

He labeled his products as “research chemicals” and “not for human consumption,” despite knowing they were intended for ingestion.

He posted misleading Certificates of Analysis to suggest the products were legitimate and safe. I haven’t found the actual data or information on this, but if I were to bet, the “misleading” part of this is that he didn’t have any testing done on the products at all.

Why do I say this?

Because most of these underground “labs” don’t want anyone to know about them. Therefore, they forge fake documents like a CoA to make it seem like their product is legit.

Additionally, he falsely claimed that no prescription was needed to obtain these substances. Minor detail, right?

Legal Consequences of Creating & Selling Illegal Bodybuilding Drugs

Hall pleaded guilty to introducing unapproved drugs into interstate commerce.

He now faces up to three years in prison, a $250,000 fine, and one year of supervised release.

If I were Hall, I would have contacted Rick Collins for his case. But it’s a little too late for that. Rick probably could have helped him out in this scenario.

The sentencing is scheduled for May 15.

The Dangers of Unapproved Steroids (of ALL Parties Involved)

Creating and selling unapproved steroids and illegal bodybuilding drugs pose significant health risks.

Without proper regulation, these substances can cause severe side effects, including hormonal imbalances, liver damage, and increased risk of heart disease.

When you purchase from an “underground lab,” you truly have no clue what you’re putting in your body and trust that what the dealer says is accurate.

Consumers may be misled about the safety and efficacy of these products, leading to serious health complications.

Stop Thinking You Can Make Some Quick Money Selling Illegal Bodybuilding Drugs

The case of Tyler Hall highlights the dangers and legal repercussions of distributing unapproved and illegal bodybuilding drugs.

It’s important for individuals to be aware of the risks associated with such substances and to seek safe, legal alternatives for bodybuilding and fitness goals.

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