by Matt Weik, BS, CSCS, CPT, CSN
When I first started posting content about health and fitness, the internet was flooded with people looking to help others. Today, you have fitness influencers making one post about three things you need to focus on to lose weight, and then in their next post, they’re acting like Bruce Buffer getting ready to put on a UFC fight.
Never in my life would I have thought our industry would turn ghetto and make us all look like complete morons. I’m not even going to call out names, but just this morning, I saw a post by a fitness influencer who must have had his panties so far up his butt that he decided to turn on the camera and act dumb.
The video starts off with him mentioning that he made a post about a fitness topic, and haters started talking trash. He then goes on to turn his video into a UFC fight promo by telling these individuals to tell him where to meet, and they will have a mutual fight, where no cops would be called because everything was organized and all parties wanted to throw down.
What planet am I living on when fitness influencers are acting like UFC fighters and telling people to roll up? The bodybuilding industry already has a target on its back, and now we have moronic fitness influencers wanting to fight people online who they’ve never met, who they’ve never spoken with, and who they know nothing about.
Know why this is funny? Because if it were people they actually cared about, they would have handled it privately and had a conversation with the individual or group. Instead, these fitness influencers want to come on social media with their gold chains all pumped up from a workout and looking swole to tell their “haters” that they want to fight. Come on. This is what the fitness industry has come to? This is how “professional trainers” are supposed to act? Grow up.
Let’s dive a little deeper into this. And to preface the remainder of this article, this is my opinion of things. You may have a different opinion and that’s fine. Heck, you may have the opinion that you’re one of the fools I’m talking about, so go make a video about how you want to fight me. I really don’t care. We aren’t on the same level if your focus is wanting to fight me for something I’ve said.
The Rise of Drama Over Discipline
Social media was supposed to connect people, share knowledge, and inspire others to get healthier. But what do we see instead? Drama. Fitness influencers, who once promoted workouts and meal plans, are now throwing verbal punches instead of lifting weights. Why? Because controversy gets clicks.
Let’s face it: fighting online is the new marketing strategy. The more outrageous the content, the more views, likes, and shares it gets. These influencers know that their antics will drive engagement, regardless of how ridiculous they look.
But where does that leave the rest of us? Those who genuinely care about health and fitness? We’re left shaking our heads, wondering how the industry became a circus act.
My question is, do these individuals ever think about their “brand” when they act like this? The personal trainer I mentioned earlier, I’d never work with the guy if I saw him telling people to meet up to fight. What kind of professional does that? In the end, it’s going to hurt their business and brand.
The “Hater” Obsession
Here’s the thing: not everyone will agree with you. That’s life. But fitness influencers treat any disagreement like it’s a personal attack. Someone questions their workout advice? They’re ready to square up.
This obsession with “haters” has created a toxic environment. Instead of focusing on improving lives, influencers are more concerned with flexing their egos. And honestly, it’s embarrassing. I feel bad for these people.
I’ve never had anyone doing better than me hating on me. Ever. People doing better than me have always been there to cheer me on and offer words of encouragement. So, what does that say about these fitness influencers who are going after random haters? Either they’re insecure and have personal issues they’re battling, or they’re going after them because they’re doing better than them in life, and they’re jealous. It’s a simple concept to grasp.
Real professionals don’t get rattled by a few internet comments. They’re too busy helping people achieve their goals and focusing on growing their business. Maybe if some influencers spent less time responding to trolls and more time educating their followers, the industry wouldn’t look like a bad reality TV show.
Why Are We Entertaining This?
Do you know what’s worse than the influencers acting like this? The fact that people are eating it up. The likes, shares, and comments fuel this behavior. If audiences didn’t reward these antics with attention, maybe we’d see fewer UFC wannabes on Instagram.
It’s time to stop giving clout to fitness influencers who prioritize drama over discipline. If they’re not adding value, why are we letting them take up space in our feeds?
Let’s Bring Fitness Back
The fitness industry was built on the idea of helping others. It’s about empowering people, not tearing them down or challenging them to street fights.
Let’s focus on the trainers, coaches, and influencers who are doing it right — the ones who share knowledge, motivate without arrogance, and keep the industry professional. They deserve our attention and support.
Don’t Be One of These Fitness Influencers Looking to Fight Everyone
If you’re a fitness influencer reading this, consider this your wake-up call. Social media is your platform to inspire and educate, not pick fights. If you’re more interested in clout than making an impact, maybe this industry isn’t for you.
And for the rest of us, let’s be mindful of the energy we consume. Follow people who build others up, not those who act like they’re auditioning for a role in the next WWE SmackDown.
Fitness should be about health, growth, and positivity — not becoming the internet’s next laughingstock.