HomeArticlesChristian Duque

The Tren Twiins Launch Supplement Line


by Christian Duque

“This isn’t a copy and paste brand.” – The Tren Twins

Well we’re back for another great article here at Iron Magazine. I figure we start out with a direct quote from the subjects at hand because I think that it does justice to hear what people have to say for themselves and in this case what they have to say about their brand. I’m of course talking about The Tren Twins. I don’t know their first names or their last names, I don’t know where they’re from, but I do watch them on YouTube. I guess I could have done some background investigating to impress you with my knowledge of these two young gentlemen but I just don’t have the time nor the interest. Everyone knows them because they take a lot of drugs and because they have freakish physiques.

They work out, they throw things around, they drive fast sports cars and sometimes they even fart on video. The reality of the matter is these are two gym bros have hit it big because they’ve tapped into a tried and true approach to shocking the bodybuilding audience. And what is that that I’m talking about? Well it’s nothing really all that novel. Bostin Loyd did it years ago, Rich Piana did it, and now they’re doing it. It’s just a lot of drugs in your face and a lot of lifting with creative music, special effects, and just a lot of showing off. They show off their cars, where they live, maybe they go to an expo but at the end of the day they’re two guys that just are big. Their lifts are nothing really out of the ordinary for guys juicing as much as they are. I mean they’re probably 5ft nothing and they can bench heavy, pull heavy, and squat heavy because there isn’t that much distance for them to cover. Again I hate to sound like a hater but bodybuilding is a sport made for ankle biters and these guys fit right in.

Now let’s talk a little bit about their latest business venture and the reason why I may be a little salty with them. Last week a youngster went viral – sort of – by admitting to using trenbolone to get huge. And actually he didn’t really admit to anything. He boasted if anything and I think that this 14 year old probably got the brilliant idea of abusing this highly androgenic street drug used by bodybuilders with no medical purpose because of the interest that has been generated into it over the years. I mean the guys that we are talking about in this article have the drug name or the drug slang name in the title of their YouTube channel. They’re not the Muscle Twins or the Gym Twins, they’re The Tren Twins.

I don’t want to sound like Tipper Gore and I’m certainly not writing for the PMRC. What I mean by that is I don’t think that if a band puts out a satanic-sounding record that they should be held responsible for all their fans becoming Satanists. I think while some listeners may be very impressionable you can hardly pin the blame on a band for what a lunatic does listening to their music. That being said, there is certainly room for debate insofar as attributing certain beliefs to a person based off of an album or a video. For example. if a 14-year-old discovers The Tren Twins and likes everything about the lifestyle they’re portraying, he may very well follow in their footsteps. That doesn’t mean that they’re responsible but it also would be wholly inaccurate to say that they had nothing to do with this 14-year-old’s decision. Again I just think that the example they’re setting is a really bad one and their path to social media super stardom is not novel at all. It’s been done by many others and they just happen to be the latest couple of dopes who are doing it. Now let’s talk about what they’re up to.

I took the quote that started this article directly from their latest video promoting the hard launch of their new supplement line Feral Supps on Sunday July 7th. Now why a supplement company would launch on a Sunday is beyond me. It is my mom’s birthday but I don’t think that my mom’s birthday has any significance in the world of bodybuilding. Maybe July 7th has a special meaning to them. And maybe Sunday has a special meaning to them as well. But it doesn’t make any sense. Nonetheless they released a supplement line that they claim is not a copy and paste supplement line. But when you watch the video that talks about the launch of the company and you look at the products they have come out with, it is very much a copy and paste supplement line. They have a pre-workout, a pump product, and a protein powder. The next big drop I’m sure will be a creatine product and maybe a multivitamin. These guys may say it’s not a copy and paste supplement line but my goodness it couldn’t get any more cookie cutter than what it is. And it’s ironic because the guys putting it out are admittedly abusing anabolics, SARM’s, and whatever else they can get their hands on to get muscle gains. Why anybody would use their natural supplements to get their unnatural results is beyond me. But again it’s not about research and development. it’s not even about whether or not the supplements work.

These two are basically selling themselves. They are selling their cult of personality. They are selling their way of life. They are selling their mannerisms and their attitude. Their products could be dogshit. their protein powder might not mix well, they’re pre-workout may not give any energy, and their pump product might not be worth a single rep, but they are selling their brand. They are selling The Tren Twins and that is going to sell tubs of protein powder and endless scoops of pre-workout powder. That is how you make it in the bodybuilding world. The companies that spend a lion share of money on research and development are left with very little money to advertise and as a result their amazing products hardly, if ever, sell. This business stopped being about quality a long time ago and it’s all about buzz, hype, and how hard supplement stores and online retailers move products.

So do I think they are going to strike gold? Because given everything I have said and given the fact that their products have cool labels and given the fact that they are going to promote their products nonstop all throughout their YouTube videos, then of course they are going to sell big. That is why they don’t probably need a distributor, that is probably why they’re not going to sell their tubs at Walmart or GNC, they have no need to. They can sell everything DTC (direct to consumer) from their Instagram, or their YouTube, or any other social media handle. There is no need for them to have a middleman and there is certainly no need for them to cut anyone into their profits. They’re going to make a killing off of basically the most cookie cutter supplement line imaginable. It’s just funny that they would even dare make the comment that it’s not a copy and paste line.

It is 110% a copy and paste line. If you want a real supplement company, a real supplement line that pushes the envelope and has always been on the periphery of what’s legal then look no further than IronMag Labs. They have the strongest legal pro-hormones on the market. They have the one and four andros. Nothing comes close. And if you don’t pills or even powders, then there are also gels. Forget about syringes and pinning, you can just rub it on, and you’re off to the races. But we’re not talking about vanilla products, we are talking about hardcore supplements that will make you stronger, make you recover better, and give you gains that will last. Again I’m only speaking about me, myself, and I. I can’t say what supplements will do for you or for the next guy but with me I take one look at Feral Supps and I can’t stop but laugh. I take a look at IronMag Labs and I’m like “wow that looks like some pretty intense stuff.”

In any event I wish The Twins the best of luck with their supplement line, their personal training, their juggling, their unicycle racing – whatever it is they decide they want to hang their hat on. I say more power to them. They are young, they love to lift, and they look like they are jacked out of their minds. I wish them nothing but the most success imaginable, but when they make a ridiculous claim I’m going to call them out for it. And when they release cookie cutter supplements I’m going to call them out for it, too.

In any event it’s nice to see that The Tren Twins are doing things on their own terms. On the other hand, a guy who has a similar level of stardom as they do, the one and only Sam Sulek left Hosstile and no one knows what his next move is going to be. In fact he may be the subject of a future Iron Magazine article. And with Sam, as with The Tren Twins, I wish them all nothing but the best. What do you think about The Tren Twins coming out with a supplement line? As always, thanks for reading my article here at Iron Magazine. I look forward to reading your feedback in the comments.

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