People Are Smarter Today Yet the Fake Natty Trend Continues
by Matt Weik, BS, CSCS, CPT, CSN
I remember years ago when the whole fake natty subject became popular, and all the YouTube channels were mak [...]
Jo Lindner ‘Joesthetic’ Dead at 30
by Christian Duque
The death of Jo Linder sent shockwaves throughout the fitness industry for a variety of reasons. Any news that deals with th [...]
The Health Benefits Associated with Consuming Shatavari
by Matt Weik, BS, CSCS, CPT, CSN
Are you struggling with irregular periods or low libido? Or are you looking to boost immunity and improve your [...]
EMOM Workouts: Tons of Benefits for Those Rushed on Time
by Matt Weik, BS, CSCS, CPT, CSN
No matter when and where your fitness journey started, EMOM workouts can always be your new gym buddy. EMOM [...]
Adderall Like Effects?
by Christian Duque
We all know who Joe Rogan is and we all know about his wildly successful podcast series. It’s so successful that he signed a [...]
Is the 12-3-30 TikTok Workout Worth Giving a Try?
by Matt Weik, BS, CSCS, CPT, CSN
The 12-3-30 workout has got a ton of attention across social media platforms since health and beauty influen [...]
Should the NPC Allow Out of Shape Competitors on Stage?
by Matt Weik
I’ve seen a lot of comments, videos, and posts on social media about a recent NPC bodybuilding show where one competitor (in the [...]
Your Morning Routine Sets Up the Rest of Your Day
by Matt Weik
What you do in the morning can ultimately make or break your day. You can think of it as “what side of the bed you rolled out of.” [...]
Is Digital Fitness Causing More People to Get Active?
by Matt Weik
If you think back several years, digital fitness wasn’t even in the conversation when discussing exercise and fitness. Sure, you h [...]
Bodybuilder Marries Then Divorces Sex Doll – You Can’t Make This Up
by Matt Weik
For starters, I just want to say I don’t care what your preference is – men, women, whatever floats your boat. But this story keep [...]
William Bonac SHOULD Win the 2021 Arnold Classic
by Christian Duque
Let me start this article by saying a couple of three things. If you’re a Soprano’s fan, you’ll get that; if not, you’ll be [...]
Supplement Industry Jobs: If You Love What You Do, Would You Ever Retire?
by Matt Weik
If I were to ask by a show of hands how many people reading this hate their job, I’m willing to bet we would be among a sea of rai [...]
Personal Trainers Need to Adjust Accordingly to Meet Today’s Demand
by Matt Weik
With some gyms still temporarily closed and many potentially closed for good, personal trainers are scrambling around trying to fi [...]

Is Online Grocery Shopping Going to Be Our Preferred New Normal?
by Matt Weik
Are you in the camp that you go to the grocery store each week to pick up all of your groceries or are you in the new camp that no [...]

Will COVID-19 Show More Businesses That Working Remotely Is Viable?
by Matt Weik
You don’t need to convince me that working remotely is extremely beneficial. With my businesses, I’m able to work anywhere in the [...]