Category: Tom Venuto

1 5 6 7 8 9 105 / 127 POSTS
How do bodybuilders and fitness models get so lean?

How do bodybuilders and fitness models get so lean?

Question:"Tom, on your Burn The Fat website, you wrote: 'Who better to model than bodybuilders and fitness competitors? No athletes in the world get a [...]
Is it okay to drink beer on the weekends?

Is it okay to drink beer on the weekends?

Question:What do you think about drinking beer on the weekends? How much does it slow your gains down? Answer:Beer and other alcoholic beverages can [...]
Is it okay to eat at night or does it cause you to gain fat?

Is it okay to eat at night or does it cause you to gain fat?

Question:Is it okay to eat at night or does it cause you to gain fat? Answer:“Eat breakfast like a king, eat lunch like a prince and eat dinner like [...]
Your view on the ‘Curves For Women’ program?

Your view on the ‘Curves For Women’ program?

Question:I was wondering if you had any views on "Curves" and their system of 30 minutes of cardio and hydraulic weight machines, having read your ebo [...]
Your take on the Bowflex machine?

Your take on the Bowflex machine?

Question:What would be your take on the Bowflex machine? I've had a Bowflex machine (mostly collecting dust) for about three years now, but receiving [...]
HMB: Is this supplement worth the money?

HMB: Is this supplement worth the money?

Question:As a result of reading a recent fitness article, I have decided to take the supplement HMB. The directions say to take 12 capsules a day with [...]
Should you do cardio and weight lifting separately or together?

Should you do cardio and weight lifting separately or together?

Question:I Just purchased Burn The Fat, Feed the Muscle (BFFM) and I have totell you that I feel it's the most informative book I've ever pickedup on [...]
Get a beach body in 8 months?

Get a beach body in 8 months?

Question:I'm a 18 year old guy that weighs 88 kilograms and is 1.78 meterstall, and I'm really having a difficult time sticking with my workoutsand di [...]
Why do I gain muscle so easily?

Why do I gain muscle so easily?

Question:I've been contemplating trying your program, but I have thefollowing concern: I am 42 years old female, 5'7, 138 lbs. I have never beenconsi [...]
I need to lose weight but don’t want to exercise.

I need to lose weight but don’t want to exercise.

Question:I need to drop some pounds, but I really hate exercise. Will a program like your Burn The Fat, Feed The Muscle be suitable for me? I’ve been [...]
Are the success gurus for real?

Are the success gurus for real?

Question:Hey Tom, I want to get into some type of personal developmentprogram but it's just so confusing with so many gurus outthere claiming to help [...]
What’s the deal with "body wraps"?

What’s the deal with "body wraps"?

Question:What's the deal with "body wraps"? Do they really shrinkfat cells or this just another weightLoss scam? Answer:Body wraps do not shrink fat [...]
What type of cardio is the best way to lose weight?

What type of cardio is the best way to lose weight?

Question:I just read an article in a bodybuilding magazine thatsaid all you need to lose fat is three days a week ofcardio for twenty minutes. It said [...]
Is my diet strict enough to lose weight?

Is my diet strict enough to lose weight?

Question:I've been doing BFL for the past year, and did well atfirst, losing 3 dress sizes and 5% body fat, but then I totally hita plateau and have h [...]
How can I get rid of this last little bit of fat on my lower abs?

How can I get rid of this last little bit of fat on my lower abs?

Question:I'm pretty lean overall, but no matter what I do, I can't seem to get rid of this last little bit of fat on my lower abs. What are the best a [...]
1 5 6 7 8 9 105 / 127 POSTS

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