Category: Tom Venuto

How to Avoid This Killer Weight Re-Gain Mistake?
Question:How to Avoid This Killer Weight Re-Gain Mistake?
Answer:If you want to burn off fat and keep it off permanently, there are a few things you [...]

Basketball for Fat Loss?
Question:I have asked several other experts about this and so far no one seems to give me an EXACT answer. Some trainers tell me I have to go steady a [...]

How Liquid Calories May Be Making You Fat, Even Your Favorite Protein Drinks!
Question:How Liquid Calories May Be Making You Fat, Even Your Favorite Protein Drinks!
Answer:So far, at least 7 scientific studies have provided str [...]

Why should I listen to you if you’ve never been fat?
Question:Tom, What's your personal story? Do you have any before pictures? You talk about fat loss but have you ever really had to lose serious fat? W [...]

Tom Venuto’s 3.7% Body Fat Routine
Question:Tom, I just read one of your articles, "The Great Abs Mistake" and you said that to reach the "ripped" 3.7% body fat level you held for some [...]

What Does Natural Really Mean?
Question:"Tom, could you tell me what supplements you take? I know that you aren't really big on supplements, but I remember reading somewhere that yo [...]

Do I Need Fat Burners to Get Lean and Six Pack Abs?
Question:I am not currently using any fat burners. However, in many magazines where I see advertisements for fat burners, they always have a model wit [...]

2 Cardio Mistakes You’re Probably STILL Making!
Question:2 Cardio Mistakes You’re Probably STILL Making!
Answer:Last week's post about high intensity interval training versus steady state training [...]

Are Liquid Calories Making You Fat, Maybe Even Your Favorite Protein Drinks?
Question:Are Liquid Calories Making You Fat, Maybe Even Your Favorite Protein Drinks?
Answer:So far, at least 7 scientific studies have provided stro [...]

Should I Use Fat Burner Supplements?
Question:I am currently not using any fat burners. However, in many magazines where I see advertisements for fat burners, they always have a model wit [...]

How do I break the fat loss platuea?
Question:Tom, I know you often say that to get to the point to be able to see your abs, you need to get to single-digit body fat. What if I hit a plat [...]

An Entire Year and No Fat Loss?
Question:I’ve been going to the gym for the past year now, but I have only lost 2 pounds. I eat about 1800 calories a day and I do 3 cardio and 3 weig [...]

Can weight loss cause headaches and nausea from released toxins?
Question:I have been following your Burn The Fat system with good results. I am losing body fat and maintaining my current lean mass. I've noticed tha [...]

Do I need to gain more muscle mass before I compete in bodybuilding?
Question:I am a 40-year-old male 5'10", 183 lbs. I've lifted most of my life and was a competitive bodybuilder in my early 20's. In my 30's I got marr [...]

900 crunches per day and still no abs!
Question:I have been working out for around a year now and I cannot get my lower abs into any type of shape. Despite doing 900 various crunches, ab ro [...]