Category: Monica Mollica

Real-life Experience of Continuous Long-term Testosterone Therapy
by Monica Mollica
While it is well documented that testosterone levels decline in aging men, recent studies show that in some cases obesity and [...]

Everything We Learned About TESTOSTERONE Is WRONG
by Monica Mollica
Historically testosterone therapy was only indicated in men with pituitary tumors and testicular dysfunction. Dr. Morgentaler [...]

Can Aspirin Save You From Cancer or Heart Disease?
by Monica Mollica
In people with pre-existing cardiovascular disease, it has long been well documented that long-term use of aspirin is an effe [...]

Ignore the New 2015-2020 Dietary Guidelines!
by Monica Mollica
January 7th 2016, the new 2015 Dietary Guidelines for Americans were released: [...]

Effects of Testosterone Treatment in Older Men
by Monica Mollica
The so called double-blind randomized controlled trial (RCT) is accepted by medicine as the gold standard objective scientifi [...]

Fish Oil on Effects on Body Composition & Fat Burning
by Monica Mollica
Here I will present the results of a more recent study that investigated the effects of fish oil supplementation on body comp [...]

Does Sex Boost Testosterone Levels?
by Monica Mollica
Testosterone is popularly known as the “sex hormone”, with “sex” referring to both its masculinizing effects that gives rise [...]

Effects of long-term testosterone treatment on weight loss and waist size in obese men
bt Monica Mollica
Testosterone, historically believed to be important only for male reproduction and sexuality, has over the past decades tra [...]

Is the dieting rule – 3,500 calories per pound weight loss – correct?
by Monica Mollica
A pervasive dieting mantra is that a cumulative reduction of caloric intake of 3,500 will result in a weight loss of 1 pound. [...]

Artificial Sweeteners and Diet Sodas – do they Help or Hinder Fat Loss?
by Monica Mollica
The potential benefits and risks of artificial sweeteners and diet sodas are hotly debated. Critics state that artificial swe [...]

Krill Oil – What You Need to Know
by Monica Mollica
Krill oil is becoming increasingly popular, and many people use it as an alternative to fish oil, since both provide the long [...]

Provocative New Research on Testosterone, Prostate Cancer and BPH/LUTS
by Monica Mollica
The number one concern among clinicians worldwide and reason for not prescribing testosterone is the fear that it will cause [...]

Muscles – Not Just for Bodybuilders!
by Monica Mollica
For most people, the mere word “muscles” brings to mind huge muscular bodybuilders. The importance of muscle mass, strength, [...]

Health Consequences of Subclinical Hypogonadism – riskier than previously thought
by Monica Mollica
In discussions about diagnosis and health consequences of hypogonadism, the prime focus is given to testosterone levels and s [...]

Niacin Supplements – what you need to know about niacin products
by Monica Mollica
In a previous article I presented the wide array of health benefit of niacin – a.k.a vitamin B3 – supplementation, related [...]