Category: Matt Meinrod

1 2 3 15 / 35 POSTS
Is Kai Greene THE Most Entertaining Bodybuilder of All Time?

Is Kai Greene THE Most Entertaining Bodybuilder of All Time?

by Matt Weik The sport of bodybuilding may be considered boring to many. Guys standing on stage, posing, and wearing a man thong all lathered [...]
This Just In: PED’s No Longer Harmful? Just Cheating

This Just In: PED’s No Longer Harmful? Just Cheating

by Matt Meinrod It’s hard to believe that it has been over 10 years since Barry Bonds, Victor Conte, and the BALCO scandal rocked the sports wo [...]
Are There Any Secrets Left in Bodybuilding?

Are There Any Secrets Left in Bodybuilding?

by Matt Meinrod Part of the reason the 1980’s and 1990’s are so romanticized by bodybuilding fans is the dark mystery that surrounded the sport [...]
Working Through Injury and Still Making Gains

Working Through Injury and Still Making Gains

by Matt Meinrod If there’s one thing I know well, it’s how to train through an injury. I’ve gone through a full ankle reconstruction, ACL/MCL k [...]
Will There Be an Arnold Classic Upset?

Will There Be an Arnold Classic Upset?

by Matt Meinrod It’s hard to believe we’re less than 2 months out from the 2014 Arnold Classic. Last year’s show was a bit of a bust for indust [...]
My Favorite PED: Music

My Favorite PED: Music

by Matt Meinrod You can take all of the pre-workouts you want or ram smelling salts up your nose. Hell, Craig Titus might have even done a line [...]
The Bodybuilder’s Shopping List

The Bodybuilder’s Shopping List

by Matt Meinrod A few years back I was shopping at the grocery store and a man actually stopped me in my tracks and said, “Do you mind if I loo [...]
How Far Would You Go?

How Far Would You Go?

by Matt Meinrod Is there anything you wouldn’t do to reach your goals? Regardless of what I once said when I was 18, I wouldn’t have eaten dog [...]
IIFYM? Definitely on Christmas!

IIFYM? Definitely on Christmas!

by Matt Meinrod It’s Christmas time at the Meinrod house and what better time of the year to dive into IIFYM then right now! I made a recent po [...]
2013 Bodybuilding Top 10 Year End Review

2013 Bodybuilding Top 10 Year End Review

by Matt Meinrod 1. Big Ramy Comes Out of Nowhere... There was a buzz in the air. Mamdouh Elssbiay won the 2012 Mr. Olympia Amateur and peopl [...]
Stimulate or Annihilate?

Stimulate or Annihilate?

by Matt Meinrod Which training split is the best one? Some say you should train each body part once per week. Others say you have to train twic [...]
Is the Clock Ticking on Kai Greene?

Is the Clock Ticking on Kai Greene?

by Matt Meinrod He couldn’t do it in 2012 sliced and diced. When he tried to out mass in 2013 it wasn’t enough to dominate. What has become per [...]
Gym Utopia

Gym Utopia

by Matt Meinrod Three years ago I came within days of owning my own gym. The gym I was working at was going out of business and the owner came [...]
This Sick Addiction

This Sick Addiction

by Matt Meinrod Terri Harris, Greg Kovacs, Mike Jenkins: Three athletes, each having unique backgrounds, dying far too soon. Whatever your disc [...]
Re-Visiting – The Pussification of Bodybuilding

Re-Visiting – The Pussification of Bodybuilding

by Matt Meinrod Calling a bodybuilder a pussy is an oxymoron unto itself. Even the softest of bodybuilder is still tougher than the majority of [...]
1 2 3 15 / 35 POSTS

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