Category: Louis Uridel
The HashTag – Maximizing the Benefit for your Social Media
by Louis Uridel
By this point, we all know what the #HASHTAG is. In a nutshell, a hashtag the pound symbol “#” that is placed before a relevant [...]
HOT ALBUM REVIEW – ‘GO’ by Rob Bailey and the Hustle Standard
by Louis Uridel
Rob Bailey and the Hustle Standard dropped their third, and highly motivational/inspirational, album toward the end of Februa [...]
The Judgment of Physique: Clearing the Fog
By Lou “Big Sexy” Uridel
First and foremost, I want to state that I am not currently nor have I ever been an NPC or IFBB sanctioned judge. The [...]
Instant Replay in Bodybuilding
By Lou “Big Sexy” Uridel
One of the biggest topics in the sports world at the moment is instant replay or perhaps the lack thereof. It seems i [...]
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