Category: Eric Broser

I need help with contest preparation and supplements.
Question:I am just about ready to begin preparing for my next competition and I have decided on using the following supplements for the next 12 [...]

How can I get my biceps pumped with curls?
Question:Whenever I do any type of curls I find that my forearms get way more of a pump than my biceps. What can I do?Answer: This is actu [...]

How do I prevent dizziness and nausea when training legs?
Question: During my heavy leg and back workouts I often experience dizziness, nausea and sometimes I even throw up. How can this be preve [...]

Are squats bad for the knees?
Question: Are squats bad for the knees? Answer: This long argued debate is nothing more than pure myth probably put for [...]

How would you suggest I set up my training so that I work all of my muscle fibers?
Question: I read your article on Ironmag regarding the different muscle fiber types, and enjoyed it very much! How would you suggest I go [...]

Should I avoid fruit to get ripped for the summer?
Question: I am trying to get ripped for summer and was told to avoid fruit. Fruit is so healthy, so why is it not good on a diet? [...]

Crunches hurt my neck, how can I avoid this?
Question: I like to do crunches for my abs, but every time I do them I hurt my neck! Is there any way to eliminate this problem? [...]

What are the side effects of anabolic steroids?
Question: My training partner is thinking of taking steroids. I told him not to because there are too many side effects. Can you give me a list [...]

Can you explain the different types of strength?
Question: A friend of mine told me he read that there are many types of strength, but he could not explain their differences. Can [...]

Should I wear a weight belt during my workouts?
Question:Should I wear a weight belt during my workouts?Answer:Personally, I feel that wearing a belt provides more of a psychologicaladvantage [...]

I’m looking for a new and unique way to train my pecs.
Question:I'm looking for a new and unique way to train my pecs. My gym has tons ofequipment available, but I feel like I've done them all to dea [...]

What do you think are the best supplements for increasing muscle mass?
Question:What do you think are the best supplements for increasing muscle mass?Answer:Whenever I get a question like this I always begin my answ [...]

How can I build an "X" frame?
Question:How can I build an "X" frame?Answer:When one refers to an X frame in the world of fitness, he/she is describing a physique that highlig [...]

Can you clarify the gym terms: forced reps, supersets and dropsets
Question:I am a relative newbie to bodybuilding and would like some clarification about the following terms that I always hear about in the gym: [...]

What exactly is the RDA? Is this how I should determine if I am getting adequate nutrition?
Question:What exactly is the RDA? Is this how I should determine if I am getting adequate nutrition? Answer:The RDA's (Recommended Dietary [...]