Category: Diet

1 2 3 8 15 / 119 POSTS
Why I Love Intermittent Fasting

Why I Love Intermittent Fasting

by Christian Duque Freedom. That’s what I love most about intermittent fasting. Most diets require you to go to extremes. There’s the keto [...]
Is Intermittent Fasting the BEST Way to Diet?

Is Intermittent Fasting the BEST Way to Diet?

by Matt Weik Intermittent fasting has been talked about quite frequently over the past year, and for good reason—it works. Not only has fastin [...]
Meal Prep: Plan to Fail When You Fail to Plan

Meal Prep: Plan to Fail When You Fail to Plan

by Matt Weik Many people have good intentions of getting in shape or reaching their goals regardless if they are attempting to lose weight or b [...]
OVER-EATING: What You’re Doing Wrong

OVER-EATING: What You’re Doing Wrong

by Matt Weik It’s not difficult to overeat. We can all sit down with a bowl of ice cream, a bag of potato chips, or whatever other indulgence [...]
Is Sparkling Water a Competitor’s New Dieting Secret?

Is Sparkling Water a Competitor’s New Dieting Secret?

by Matt Weik When competitors or even those looking to diet down are in full blown restriction mode, it can get pretty boring drinking plain wa [...]
Dieting Simplified Without Leaving Your House?

Dieting Simplified Without Leaving Your House?

by Matt Weik It seems like people were laughing when Amazon said they were going to start selling and delivering food a little while back, basi [...]
Meal Timing Study Says Don’t Eat at Night?

Meal Timing Study Says Don’t Eat at Night?

by Matt Weik With broscience running all over the fitness industry, we came to find out that meal timing and frequency really means nothing the [...]
Live longer if your diet contains lots of vitamin K

Live longer if your diet contains lots of vitamin K

The more vitamin K [structural formula on the right] you consume through your diet, the less likely you are to die from a heart attack or cancer. [...]
How to Avoid Overeating

How to Avoid Overeating

by Matt Weik We’ve all been there—that time you ate way too much food and you feel disgusting. It could be due to heading out to your favorite [...]
How much protein strength athletes need on their non-training days

How much protein strength athletes need on their non-training days

If you do strength training several days a week you'll still need about 1.7 g protein per kg bodyweight on the days you don't train. And if you w [...]
Fat-Free Products Can Actually Make You Fatter

Fat-Free Products Can Actually Make You Fatter

by Matt Weik We have been programmed to shop for fat-free products at the grocery store, as products with fat have somehow become demonized by [...]
Airport Survival: Don’t Blow Your Diet When You’re in A Pinch

Airport Survival: Don’t Blow Your Diet When You’re in A Pinch

by Matt Weik With warm weather right around the corner and the thought of summer vacations floating around in our heads, I figured it would be [...]
Put These Nutritional Myths to Bed

Put These Nutritional Myths to Bed

by Matt Weik If I had a dollar for every time one of the below myths was spoken I’d be the richest man in the world—Elon Musk would be asking m [...]
Orthorexia: When Training and Nutrition Becomes Your Enemies!

Orthorexia: When Training and Nutrition Becomes Your Enemies!

by Linda Ericson Orthorexia is the term for a condition that includes symptoms of obsessive behavior in pursuit of a healthy diet. Orthorexia s [...]
Minimize Calories to Maximize Life Expectancy

Minimize Calories to Maximize Life Expectancy

by Matt Weik I think it’s safe to say around 75% of Americans could put the fork down a little earlier in the day and step away from the table. [...]
1 2 3 8 15 / 119 POSTS

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