Category: Craig Titus

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Titus Talks

Titus Talks

by Craig Titus Ground Breaking Exposé – NOT! I recently read an article titled “The real dope” in the February 2015 Muscular Development maga [...]
Titus Talks

Titus Talks

by Craig Titus Question: Have you ever experienced any negative side effects as a result of using HGH (human growth hormone)? Answer: To be [...]
Titus Talks

Titus Talks

by Craig Titus Question: How important are genetics in a bodybuilding competition? Must you have superior genetics to be a champion? Answer [...]


by Craig Titus This anabolic androgenic steroid report is in regard to a drug I consider to be classified as a primary steroid. I consider the [...]
Response to Muscular Development Forums

Response to Muscular Development Forums

by Craig Titus This article is a response piece; this article will be dedicated to responding to forums in regard to the [...]
Titus Talks

Titus Talks

by Craig Titus Do you think that most up and coming aspiring bodybuilders place far too much emphasis on drugs? No, I don’t think so at all. [...]
Titus Talks

Titus Talks

by Craig Titus Are you aware of the article “Rise and fall of a Titan “at, if so what are our thoughts? Thank you very muc [...]
Titus Talks

Titus Talks

by Craig Titus 2014 Mr. Olympia Report It has been a few months since the 2014 Mr. Olympia in Las Vegas Nevada marking its 50th anniversary. Jus [...]
Titus Talks

Titus Talks

by Craig Titus Random Thoughts Lately I’ve been reading more than a few articles talking about legendary training sessions. I mean these aren’ [...]
Titus Talks

Titus Talks

by Craig Titus Anavar This anabolic androgenic steroid report is in regard to a drug I consider to be classified as a additional steroid, as a s [...]
Titus Talks

Titus Talks

by Craig Titus “Random Thoughts” Just because you qualify to compete in the Mr. Olympia doesn’t necessarily mean you should compete and it surly [...]
Titus Talks

Titus Talks

by Craig Titus 2014 Mr. Olympia Preview Wow, only about a month until the 50th Mr. Olympia takes place. It seems like only yesterday when Phil H [...]
Titus Talks

Titus Talks

by Craig Titus “It’s not all drugs!” That may be true but I got news for you…..without steroids and other performance enhancing drugs, there is n [...]
Titus Talks

Titus Talks

by Craig Titus ‘Random Thoughts’ Ok, so I have to admit I stand corrected! Just a short time ago it was my firm belief Kai Greene was the only b [...]
Titus Talks

Titus Talks

by Craig Titus ‘Random Thoughts’ Yes, the 2014 Arnold classic marked the 10 year anniversary since I competed back in 2004. Only 10 years but it [...]
1 2 3 4 15 / 58 POSTS

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