Category: Cardio

Lose weight faster: skip breakfast and jog for an hour
Miss breakfast and go jogging for an hour in the morning. The calories you miss out on at breakfast you won't consume later in the day. On the con [...]

Cardio Improves Cognitive Functioning
by Matt Weik
I think it’s pretty safe to say that not many of us get excited when it comes to doing cardio. However, if you suffer from any ty [...]

Maximalist News for Minimalist Runners
by Matt Weik
Those funny little minimalist “toe-shoes” have been popping up all over the place with the headliner seeming to be the brand Vibra [...]

Calorie overdose speeds up muscle breakdown during physical inactivity
Muscles disappear if you don't use them. The body breaks them down. If you are not physically active for a longer period - we're talking about wee [...]

Don’t do cardio and strength training the same day
There are 1001 arguments to do both strength training and cardio training, but it's also crystal clear that the types of training can compromise eac [...]

10 minutes of interval training 3 times weekly will make you fitter, healthier and slimmer
If you spend just ten minutes doing interval training three times a week you'll find yourself becoming noticeably fitter, healthier and slimmer. Can [...]

Prevent heart attacks with Lycopene and beta-carotene
Men who eat lots of carrots and tomato juice are less likely to have a heart attack than men who don't, according to an epidemiological study that F [...]

Burnout protection with resistance training and cardio training
Employees, freelance workers and entrepreneurs are less likely to succumb to a burnout if they do an intensive training session twice a week. Psychol [...]

High-intensity cardio too much for obese people
They are wildly popular, the fast but high-intensity fitness training sessions that gyms advertise to lure new members. The promise of a fitter, sli [...]

Strength training fights belly fat better than aerobic training
Men who do strength training keep their fat percentage lower in the long term than men who run, cycle or do other aerobic exercise. Epidemiologists [...]

Why intense cardio training usually doesn’t work
Fitness trainers probably do better by not getting unfit people to start doing very intensive exercise, but instead starting them off at a moderately [...]

Cardio training boosts the effect of strength training on muscle growth
Under some conditions athletes can build up more muscle mass by combining strength training with cardio training, than by doing strength training al [...]

Recover faster: strength training first, cardio afterwards
If you combine strength training with cardio exercise, you probably start your workouts with the strength training and finish with the cardio. That us [...]

Recover faster: strength training first, cardio afterwards
If you combine strength training with cardio exercise, you probably start your workouts with the strength training and finish with the cardio. That us [...]

Combination training speeds up weight loss
If you train because you want to lose weight, you're best off doing combination training. The combination of cardio training and strength training he [...]
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