Category: Cade Thomas

1 2 3 4 5 6 45 / 84 POSTS
Do You Love Training?

Do You Love Training?

by Cade Thomas Science has done a lot for bodybuilding. Advancements in nutritional knowledge have changed the landscape of how we manipulate o [...]
Fast vs Slow Metabolism: Who Really Wins?

Fast vs Slow Metabolism: Who Really Wins?

by Cade Thomas The grass is always greener on the other side, they say. This cliche is nowhere more applicable than the bodybuilding debate of [...]
Defy the Meat Head Sterotype

Defy the Meat Head Sterotype

by Cade Thomas Bodybuilders have a way of turning off the general public. Whether it be other members in the gym or people at the grocery store [...]
Why Do Bodybuilders Hate Crossfit So Much?

Why Do Bodybuilders Hate Crossfit So Much?

by Cade Thomas There are a few words or phrases that can make most bodybuilders sick to their stomach; Cardio, tilapia, jogging, asparagus, pre [...]
Deja Vu: What’s New Will Always Be Old Again

Deja Vu: What’s New Will Always Be Old Again

by Cade Thomas All industries have trends, and these trends tend to repeat themselves. Music and fashion tend to recycle every few decades with [...]
Improving the IFBB Fan Experience

Improving the IFBB Fan Experience

by Cade Thomas Bodybuilding can be a very boring sport to follow. Not only are the contests few and far between, the big name guys only compete [...]
The Importance of Having Support

The Importance of Having Support

by Cade Thomas We often hear of "Teams" in bodybuilding, which is a concept I still cannot quite grasp. I don't quite understand why a competit [...]
Kai Greene: Next Cutler or Uncrowned Mr.O?

Kai Greene: Next Cutler or Uncrowned Mr.O?

by Cade Thomas "Always a bridesmaid, never a bride" they say. A cliche usually bestowed on anyone who is repeatedly reduced to runner up status [...]
Making Sense of Deaths In Bodybuilding

Making Sense of Deaths In Bodybuilding

by Cade Thomas The last few years it seems as though the only consistent news in the bodybuilding world is that of someone tied to the industry [...]
Signs That You Should Quit Bodybuilding

Signs That You Should Quit Bodybuilding

by Cade Thomas I like to consider myself a positive person. I believe most of my articles support pursuing your goals and maintaining a positiv [...]
Structure Your Off-Season To Make 2015 Count

Structure Your Off-Season To Make 2015 Count

by Cade Thomas Resolutions are for rookies....but all of us have goals and all of us want each following year to be more successful and product [...]
Will 2015 Be The Year Of The 212?

Will 2015 Be The Year Of The 212?

by Cade Thomas Bodybuilding is a sport about matchups, and the question of "Is Bigger Really Better?" has been the subject of debate since it's [...]
New Years = Bodybuilding Apocalypse

New Years = Bodybuilding Apocalypse

by Cade Thomas To bodybuilders and serious physique enthusiasts, there is one day on the calendar that looms overhead like a cloud which rains [...]
What Motivates You?

What Motivates You?

by Cade Thomas We all have our own story as to how we found ourselves addicted to lifting weights. Whether you were always mesmerized by action [...]
Hashtags and Headphones: How to Save Yourself from Future Embarrassment

Hashtags and Headphones: How to Save Yourself from Future Embarrassment

by Cade Thomas Bodybuilding these days can be tricky business, and the amount of social pitfalls one can fall into has skyrocketed. Back in the [...]
1 2 3 4 5 6 45 / 84 POSTS

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