Category: Cade Thomas

How to Be Hardcore (and ruin) The Holidays
by Cade Thomas
There are some very quick ways to kill your parents and loved ones with a broken heart. The easiest one for a bodybuilder or phy [...]

Dear Bodybuilders; No One Feels Sorry For You
by Cade Thomas
Look, no one said this would be easy. Molding your body into a hyper muscular machine of lean tissue is not something we are pr [...]

Natural or Not: Who Cares?
by Cade Thomas
Is there any place closer to hell then the comment section of a bodybuilding video on Youtube or Facebook? As I scroll through my [...]

Are Training Videos Still Relevant?
by Cade Thomas
Blood and guts. The Unbelievable. Maryland Muscle Machine. The Training Video used to be one of our only extended glimpses into [...]

Healthy is the New Huge
by Cade Thomas
Mass at all costs. This is still the approach that some people apply to bodybuilding but times are changing. You will still come [...]

The “New” Offseason Approach
by Cade Thomas
Bulking. Cutting. Offseason. Prep. You know the drill.
We have images burnt into our heads of how each of these are supposed [...]

Skipping the O: Wise or Sabotage?
by Cade Thomas
In the current era, almost any bodybuilder or physique athlete will say their ultimate lofty goal is to earn professional status [...]

What Are We Doing To Our Bodies?
by Cade Thomas
Whether anyone wants to admit it or not, there's an epidemic in the bodybuilding world. I will be the first to admit, when the a [...]

The ‘Normal Person’ Invasion
by Cade Thomas
There was a time when leg day represented the grittiest aspect of competitive bodybuilding. No rewarding bicep pump in the mirro [...]

Suffering or Slacking?
by Cade Thomas
Bodybuilders these days like to remind us of the level of sacrifice they are nobly enduring to better the world through their ow [...]

Phil Heath Takes On The Austrian Oak
by Cade Thomas
Arnold Schwarzenegger really knows how to keep his name relevant in the bodybuilding world. The man can essentially be credited [...]

Back When Training Was Allowed to Be Fun
by Cade Thomas
When I look back and try to think of the times I hold closest to my heart in my years training, it's hard to judge. While I cert [...]

Young Freaks: Is It Progress or Cause For Concern?
by Cade Thomas
The current state of the top ranks of professional bodybuilding is a topic of hot debate lately. Consistency, quality, and the e [...]

3 Ways to Avoid Setbacks
by Cade Thomas
For 99% of the people who are crazy enough to devote themselves to it, bodybuilding is hard. Even if you do everything correctly [...]

Bodybuilding and Relationships: The Curse Continues
by Cade Thomas
Many books have been written and many debates have been held over how to keep a healthy relationship with your partner or signif [...]