1 2 3 15 / 35 POSTS
Power Slap – Dana White’s Downfall?

Power Slap – Dana White’s Downfall?

by Christian Duque Dana White and TBS have sunk to all-time lows by putting forth a new sport known as Power Slap. This is probably one of the [...]
Leo & Longevity Just Died in Thailand

Leo & Longevity Just Died in Thailand

Leo Rex, AKA, Leo and Longevity is a wealth of knowledge that stems from years of running experiments on himself and six years of training in adva [...]
Is MCT Oil Really Worth Supplementing with or All Hype?

Is MCT Oil Really Worth Supplementing with or All Hype?

by Matt Weik, BS, CSCS, CPT, CSN MCT oil is just one of the many health and fitness products being sold on the market today that has a lot of [...]
What If Ronnie Coleman Had Trained Like Mike Mentzer?

What If Ronnie Coleman Had Trained Like Mike Mentzer?

by Christian Duque What if Ronnie had been able to win his 8 Sandows and didn’t require all the back surgeries? What if he could’ve taken his [...]
Mike Tyson New Rape Allegations!

Mike Tyson New Rape Allegations!

Mike Tyson SHOCKING Admission Could Be His Downfall in New ALLEGATIONS | Documentary. This is the inside story contain information no news outlets [...]
Shawn Ray Lashes Out At Chad Nicholls

Shawn Ray Lashes Out At Chad Nicholls

by Chrisitan Duque Legendary bodybuilder Shawn Ray sent shockwaves throughout the fitness industry with an Instagram post that many took to be [...]
10 Brain Foods You Should Eat That Help You Focus Better

10 Brain Foods You Should Eat That Help You Focus Better

by Matt Weik, BS, CSCS, CPT, CSN Did you know that certain foods will help you to focus? You’ve probably heard about the foods that are bad f [...]
Conor McGregor Accused of Brutal Attack on a Woman

Conor McGregor Accused of Brutal Attack on a Woman

UFC Legend Conor McGregor Accused of BRUTAL ATTACK on a WOMAN & Trying to DROWN HER! WATCH VIDEO:   [...]
Big Ramy’s Huge Gamble

Big Ramy’s Huge Gamble

by Christian Duque When the news broke that 2x Mr. Olympia Mamdouh Mohammed Hassan Elssbiay was throwing his hat into the 2023 Arnold Classic r [...]
UFC Legend Phil Baroni SPEAKS From Prison

UFC Legend Phil Baroni SPEAKS From Prison

And his x-wife Calls ME A LIAR! The former welterweight and middleweight fighter was arrested earlier this month. WATCH VIDEO: [...]
6 Ways to Protect and Strengthen Your Lower Back

6 Ways to Protect and Strengthen Your Lower Back

by Matt Weik, BS, CSCS, CPT, CSN The lower back is the foundation of our body. This area of the human body works incredibly hard, and we depe [...]
13 Foods You Should Eat to Help Lower High Blood Pressure

13 Foods You Should Eat to Help Lower High Blood Pressure

  by Matt Weik, BS, CSCS, CPT, CSN High blood pressure, or hypertension, is a common issue that affects millions of Americans. The Ce [...]
Shaun Clarida For The Arnold Win!

Shaun Clarida For The Arnold Win!

by Christian Duque The talk of the town right now is that 2022 Mr. Olympia 2nd runner-up and former Arnold Classic champion Nick “The Mutant” W [...]
How Can You Treat a Concussion Other Than Resting at Home?

How Can You Treat a Concussion Other Than Resting at Home?

by Matt Weik, BS, CSCS, CPT, CSN If you go get medical treatment for a concussion, you will most likely be asked to lie down in a dark room u [...]
Food Prices Soaring!

Food Prices Soaring!

by Christian Duque As fans of bodybuilding and aspiring bodybuilders in our own right we simply can’t ignore the ever-increasing prices for foo [...]
1 2 3 15 / 35 POSTS

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