Big Rob Threatens The Lives Of Dave Palumbo Lee Priest John Romano & Myself!

Big Rob Threatens The Lives Of Dave Palumbo Lee Priest John Romano & Myself!

Big Rob as we all knew would flip on all of us.. Well now he has threatened the lives of Dave Palumbo, Lee Priest, John Romano and myself! RXmuscl [...]
The Benefits Taurine Supplements

The Benefits Taurine Supplements

by Matt Weik Have you ever looked at the ingredients list of your favorite energy drinks or pre-workouts? You’ll often find an ingredient by [...]
Cutting Corners On A Prohormone Cycle – Bad Idea!

Cutting Corners On A Prohormone Cycle – Bad Idea!

by Christian Duque Do I have a medical background? NO. Am I a certified personal trainer? NO. What are my credentials? Simply put, I’m a ration [...]
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