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Titus Talks

by Craig Titus
Craig Titus

This column does not represent the opinions or views of IronMagazine, it’s advertisers or affiliates. Craig’s column is unedited and for entertainment purposes only, read at your own risk.

OK, so I’m just as much a fan of Arnold Schwarzenegger as the next bodybuilder…alright, well honestly not as much. Truth be told, I’m not a fan at all of his bodybuilding or his physique of past days. If we’re keeping it real, his physique was subpar compared to bodybuilders from the 80’s to present day. And, it seems to me his success in bodybuilding was more of a case of being in the right era at the right time, not to mention he was certainly Joe Weiders poster boy with some saying Joe was even in love with Arnold. Like many of you reading this, I’m a fan of Arnold’s success and achievements in Hollywood. Not only did Arnold Schwarzenegger become a movie star as we all know but he’s also a real-estate mogul and was the governor of California.

But his bodybuilding days are long gone people. I mean were talking the 60’s and 70’s!! Arnold had charisma, he was handsome and definitely put on a show while competing, but his physique wouldn’t have a impact at all in today’s standards. The competitors of today’s are so much more superior to the competitors of the 60’s and 70’s that’s its really not even a comparison. In fact Arnold’s physique wouldn’t enable him to win a N.P.C. local show and stand on stage next to current IFBB Pros wouldn’t even be possible. So being I’ve never been politically correct and I’ve always had a propensity for telling it like it is or at least how it is in my mind, let me bring to light something that I happen to know most of the professional bodybuilders on the cover of yet another bodybuilding magazine? How many more fold-out posters of Arnold must we endure? I mean, if Michael Phelps put on another 20lbs of muscle you’d have today’s rendition of Arnold! Point is, I can name a dozen, no I can two dozen pro bodybuilders more then ready to be gracing the cover of current muscle magazines! I’m talking today’s standard of muscle mass, I’m talking about a couple dozen athletes currently competing in today’s International Federation of Bodybuilding who should have fold out posters and cover shots…who deserve to be on the cover!! Not a guy who looks like a swollen version of Michael Phelps who had subpar physique from the 1960s for Christ Sake!! I understand the A.S.C. mega event takes place once a year in Columbus Ohio, so putting Arnold on the cover of an Arnold Classic Preview edition makes perfect sense. Problem is, he’s on several covers with several posters in several magazines throughout the year, every year! Why is this a problem or maybe even slightly offensive to some IFBB Pros? It’s a Problem because there are so many current pro’s who are relevant on today’s bodybuilding era that are in desperate need of exposure. You see exposure creates interest and interest in a particular athlete creates possibilities of work, there for generating financial gain. What better exposure then to be on the cover of Muscular Development or Musclemag International. Does Arnold Scharzenegger need exposure or to generation any financial gain from the bodybuilding industry? We all know the answer to that… it’s a big hell no! Not to mention, Arnold’s physique from the 60s isn’t relevant nor does it compare to bodybuilders who are currently competing in today’s industry. I’m pretty sure Dexter Jackson would’ve truly appreciated a cover shot after winning the Master’s Olympia, and let’s not forget he’s also a three time winner of the A.S.C. The point I’m trying to make is, bodybuilding publications should be using the images of currently competing athletes who are relevant in today’s industry. Reward the bodybuilding Pro’s who are competing in 2013 not 1960! Give the competitors of today the exposure they truly need and desire to generate interest and reward their efforts with financial gain. So enough already, Arnold’s worth millions, maybe even 100s of millions, he certainly doesn’t need another cover or poster for that matter…nor do the fans reading the fans mags! Limit the Arnold cover’s to once a year to promote the A.S.C. Leave the other 11 covers to current pro bodybuilders deserving of the exposure and reward for their effort. For example…the cover of April 2013 Muscular development magazine with current IFBB Pro Johnny Jackson is fucking excellent!! J.J. is a friggin beast, his muscle mass is a shinning example of today’s standards and he is certainly deserving of the cover. And while we’re on the subject of bodybuilding magazine covers…the April 2013 Musclemag International Bikini Special edition, with IFBB Pro Vida Guerra gracing the cover… spectacular!! Good Lord have mercy! Vida and the Bikini Pro inside are nothing short of magnificent. I honestly think I own Jim Manion and the other’s responsible for starting the Bikini Division a big ole…I’m sorry. For any derogatory comments I may have made in past articles. No, I’m just joking!! I still don’t think a girl wearing a bikini should have a IFBB Pro Card…I do however think Vida Guerra, Justine Munro, Brooke Mora and Anan Delia are all absolutely gorgeous and add some much needed sex appeal to the pages of Muclemag…but…it should’ve been a IFBB professional bodybuilder on the cover!!

If you have a question for Craig Titus please send an email via our contact form.

Craig Titus

Craig Michael Titus was born in Wyandotte, Michigan on Jan 14, 1967. The eldest of Michael and Sandra Titus’ three children. In high school, Craig wrestled for his school team at 132lbs. After graduation, decided to put on some muscle via weight training. When Craig graduated from high school he was 5’6″ and 140lbs. By the age of 21, he was 5’9″ and 185lbs. Once he started weight training and seeing results, he was hooked. Craig’s first bodybuilding show was the 1988 Houston Bodybuilding Championships in which he won the Men’s Open middleweight class and the overall title.

Competitive Record

2002 Mr. Olympia – 11th
2002 Night of Champions XIV – 5th
2002 Southwest Pro – 7th
2001 British Grand Prix – 9th
2001 Mr. Olympia – 12th
2001 Arnold Classic – 6th
2000 Toronto Pro – 1st
2000 Arnold Classic – 10th
2000 Night of Champions – 11th
2000 Ironman Pro Invitational – 8th
1996 NPC USA Championships — 1st Heavyweight and Overall
1995 NPC USA Championships — 2nd Heavyweight
1994 NPC National Championships — 2nd Heavyweight
1994 NPC USA Championships — 2nd Heavyweight
1993 NPC USA Championships — 4th Heavyweight
1991 NPC Ironman/Ironmaiden — Overall
1990 NPC Tournament of Champions — 3rd Heavyweight
1990 NPC Western Cup — Overall
1989 NPC Houston Bodybuilding Championships — Overall

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