
Which fruits and vegetables are naturally the most detoxifying?

Which fruits and vegetables are naturally the most detoxifying?
by PF Louis

(NaturalNews) Detoxing in our incredibly polluted environment is not an occasional endeavor. In order to maintain a healthy immune system with a slightly alkaline pH, we need to consider constant slow detoxing to counter the “slow kill” from the myriad toxins pervading every element of our environment.

Extreme detox measures, such as liver cleansing coffee enemas, any type of heavy metal chelation, or periods of fasting can be performed briefly every few months, or as needed for treating a debilitating disease.

However, an appropriately consistent slow detox could be part of our daily diet. Consuming only whole organic foods is basic. Whole foods are foods that are not processed, such as bulk produce, grains, and legumes.

If your city water is fluoridated, use reverse osmosis to minimize the fluoride and other toxins, but add a few drops of liquid trace minerals to replace those removed by reverse osmosis. Avoid most bottled or canned commercial beverages. Use freshly squeezed juice instead.

Some foods not certified organic may be okay if they are rarely sprayed, especially if locally grown. But again, select from fresh bulk produce; don’t buy canned or frozen veggies and fruits.

Here’s a list of the dirty dozen (most sprayed) and clean fifteen (least sprayed). The clean fifteen list will let you know which foods you can enjoy when buying organic is impractical: http://www.elderandsage.com

Potent detoxifying foods that should be part of your regular diet

Cilantro: Excellent for detoxing mercury, which has permeated our environment to the point where it is even in most of our teeth as amalgam fillings. Raw organic cilantro can be chopped up and sprinkled on almost any food serving.

It can be juiced along with carrots, other veggies, and apples and used in green smoothies. Cilantro’s mercury detox power was first discovered among Indonesian clinical patients fed cilantro soup.

Chlorella: Many consider this super food, combined with cilantro, as the ultimate heavy metal detoxifier derived from foods.

Garlic: A natural antibiotic and promoter of liver enzymes that aid detoxification. It’s best to chew raw or squeeze raw cloves into or onto freshly prepared foods.

Broccoli sprouts: Most readers know broccoli, along with other cruciferous vegetables, has cancer prevention properties. But broccoli sprouts are better at stimulating those toxin filtering enzymes in the liver.

Omega-3 oils: Besides helping to prevent chronic inflammation, these oils help lubricate the intestinal walls. This serves to capture and help eliminate toxins from the gastrointestinal tract. Avocado (technically a fruit), ground hemp or flax seeds or oils, and pure virgin olive oil are recommended.

Papaya: A useful detox addition to your diet. Eat the seeds as well.

Lemon or lime water: Mixed with warm water and consumed first thing in the morning is an old liver cleansing remedy that is still recommended by naturopaths and others today.

Mung beans: Purchase bulk, raw, dry and organic, of course. Cooked, they are easy to digest and tend to absorb and help eliminate GI tract toxins.

Beets: Helps purify the blood.

Eliminate alcohol, processed white flour and sugar completely. Use only pure sea salt for seasoning. Raw leafy vegetables should be juiced or blended for green smoothies as often as possible. Add raw carrots and raw beets to your juicing efforts.

Juicing raw veggies with an apple makes consuming large quantities of veggies practical. But you’ll need some fiber as well, so don’t forget to eat some too. Blending green smoothies does retain some plant fibers (http://www.naturalnews.com/035427_green_smoothies_recipes_health.html).

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