
Use EFAs to reduce inflammation and support your adrenals

by PF Louis

(NaturalNews) EFAs are essential fatty acids, which we need to live but our bodies cannot create. So we need take EFAs from outside sources. Johanna Budwig, the creator of the Budwig Diet for successfully treating cancer, claimed before she died at age 95 in 2003 that she was given as much grief from the burgeoning heat processed hydrogenated trans-fatty acid cooking and salad oil industry as the cancer industry.

Budwig was a German biochemist whose research pioneered the classifications of fatty acids. She publicly announced often that those trans-fatty oils promoted to 1950s’ housewives were worse than unhealthy; they caused disease. (http://www.naturalnews.com/027452_cancer_fat_diet.html)

Simply put, all those industry-processed oils, shortenings, and margarines that were hydrogenated to lengthen shelf life should be avoided completely. Many of them are in processed foods and some are simply bottled and sold as salad or cooking oils.

Use only non-processed, cold-pressed oils for EFA benefits.

Fat food talk

Although all the different non-hydrogenated, unheated (cold or expeller-pressed), unprocessed fats have health benefits, too much omega-6, which is found predominantly in olive and other plant-based oils, can actually lead to inflammation.

Omega-3 curbs inflammation. That’s why the balance of omega-6 to omega-3 is important.

It’s estimated that over 90 percent of SAD (standard American diet) consumers are omega-3 deficient. Chronic inflammation is the source of coronary problems and some autoimmune diseases.

A good balance of omega-6 to omega-3 is 3:1 or better yet, 2:1. Most Americans are at 20:1, using mostly disease-causing trans-fatty acid hydrogenated oils.

Most oils contain an identifying predominant type of fatty acid with traces of the others. The only oil that has a good natural balance of all three omega fatty acids (3, 6, and 9) is non-THC hemp oil.

EFA (essential fatty acids) health benefits

We get enough omega-6 from olive and other vegetable oils, such as corn, sunflower, safflower, and soy. Just avoid all hydrogenated oils that are in most processed foods.

Omega-6 is a source of linoleic acid (LA), which is important for heart and artery health. Nevertheless, too much of this good thing creates inflammation, which is counterproductive and disease causing.

Omega-3 minimizes inflammation while providing other health benefits. Fish or fish oils, especially cold water fish, ground flax seeds consumed shortly after grinding in a coffee grinder, flax seed oil, chia seeds, walnuts and walnut oil are predominantly omega-3 sources.

The alpha linolenic acid (ALA) of plant based omega-3 converts into two other omega-3 fatty acids, EPA and DHA, if other nutrients are readily available. That’s one reason why some prefer the fish or fish oil sources that already have EPA and DHA present. It certainly won’t hurt to use both sources.

Keep in mind that well over half our brain tissue is composed of fats while our nervous system contains even more fats. All our cell walls are lipid (fat) walled. If they weren’t, we would melt in the rain.

Omega-3 fatty acids help create cell walls that are fluid and elastic, yet strong enough to hold things together. The ALA offspring of EPA and DHA are vital to brain and eye health.

Lately, a lot of research has been done on essential fatty acids, especially omega-3s. The health benefits include:

Increased energy, heightened and stabilized moods, and better brain functioning with less brain fog. Hormone production is better regulated. Adrenal glands stabilized. Less body fat is maintained. Joints and muscles become pain-free. Lower blood sugar counts are generated. EFAs help prevent dementia, strokes, and inhibit tumors.

Those are a few of the benefits of adding omega balanced EFAs. Peruse the sources for more details.

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