
The apple – Boost your brain power with a common almost forgotten fruit

The apple – Boost your brain power with a common almost forgotten fruit
by Paul Fassa

(NaturalNews) The outdated apple a day keeps the doctor away adage has been replaced with fresh apple juice three times a week. This new routine was discovered after a ten-year study determined it helped Alzheimer’s patients by greatly reducing the chance of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) from even occurring. Another study uncovered heart health benefits.

The benefits

Dr. Thomas Shea, a neurobiologist, and his research team at the University of Massachusetts topped off years of studying apples’ effects on brain health. They used test tubes, Petri dishes, and mice for years. Then recently, they confirmed their findings with a human clinical trial.

Twenty-one AD patients from ages 72 to 93 were fed four ounces of apple juice twice daily for thirty days. There were improvements with memory as well as the negative emotional moods normally associated with AD victims.

He concluded that by drinking apple juice only three times per week, you would reduce your chances of Alzheimer’s by 75%.

And there are other benefits. Other animal studies have demonstrated that apples protect the heart, increase lipid metabolism, and reduce inflammation.

A Florida State University study by Dr. Bahram Arjmandi, involving several women aged 45 to 65, discovered that a heavy diet of apples reduced LDL in the women by 23% in six months. The women also lost three and a half pounds on average.

How to juice apples yourself
Don’t bother with store bought pasteurized apple juice. Organic raw and unfiltered apple juice is better. But the best way to go is juicing just enough apples to drink at one sitting each time. Since Big Ag apples top the list of the “dirty dozen” (the 12 most sprayed foods), you should invest in organic apples.

Sometimes locally grown small orchard apples are not sprayed, but they are not USDA certified organic. This is often due to the time and money it takes to get that approval. So locally grown could be a solution for less expensive non- toxic apples if you are assured they are not sprayed.

You should use a slow speed masticating juicer. It can be single auger (the masticating screw) or double auger. You can Google slow speed masticating juicers and shop for what works for you. This is a worthwhile investment if you intend to do any juicing for improved health.

This type of juicer eliminates the extra fiber that inhibits rapid absorption while concentrating the juice of several items in one drink and preserving the enzymes that a high speed juicer may destroy.

Do not peel the apples. Cut them into pieces small enough for the juicer and include the core, seeds and all. Adding a small piece of peeled ginger root into the juicer adds more inflammatory protection. A freshly squeezed lemon can be added also. This should be done at least three times a week.

Early Alzheimer’s disease (AD) symptoms
It’s best to launch a three prong attack if confusion, fog, and memory loss is creeping in as a matter of daily life. The apple juice approach is good, but it may not be enough.

Orthomolecular medical doctors specialize in curing with high dose vitamin and mineral supplements, such as IV mega-dose Vitamin C. They have had a good deal of success with all types of brain issues using large doses of niacin.

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