HomeAnthony Ellis

How do I gain muscle not fat?

I tried to eat more calories, but I just gained fat! I know that you recommend eating more calories to gain mass, but I seem to be getting fat. How do I gain muscle not fat? Help!

Truthfully, you will always gain some fat when on a high calorie diet. That’s just an unavoidable fact, and anyone who tells you differently is misleading you. Though you cannot totally prevent fat gain, you can keep it to minimal levels.

The major reasons people gain large amounts of fat on a mass diet is usually because they are eating too many calories. Yes, you need plenty of calories to build muscle, but too many calories will simply be stored as fat. What I recommend is slowing increasing your calories in small increments while closely monitoring your body fat levels. If you notice that you are starting to gain more fat, then reduce your calories slightly. The other cause of excess fat gain is usually due to a large intake of simple sugars. Many people on a high calorie diet resort to sugary foods and drinks because they have a lot of calories, but what they don’t realize is that the sugar is contributing to their “above average” fat storage. Just remove the sugar and replace it with starches or whole grains instead.

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