
Flax seeds – Amazing tiny seeds protect from radiation and improve health

Flax seeds – Amazing tiny seeds protect from radiation and improve health
by Paul Fassa

(NaturalNews) A new study by the Pearlman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania revealed the radiation protection of conferred humble flax seeds. The researchers noted that the protection offered by flax seeds even included repair of tissues after exposure. The study was published in a recent issue of BioMed Central Cancer.

The Research

The research focused on Flax seed’s ability to protect lung tissue prior to exposure and the ability of flax to repair damaged lung tissue after exposure. They used mice for their published study, but now they’re doing a clinical study on humans receiving radiation for cancer treatment.

Melpo Christofidou-Solomidou and his research team fed some mice flax seeds both before and others after radiating them. They found that both the before and after radiation flax fed mice survived even lethal doses of radiation in good health while many that weren’t fed flax died.

Not only did the flax fed mice survive, but they also managed to get healthier. They had higher body weight and minimal lung inflammation, which is common with radiation therapy treated cancer patients. Apparently, the sole purpose of this study is to find a way for cancer patients to survive radiation.

But there is more to radiation than cancer treatments. Radiation is almost ubiquitous and affects most if not all of us, especially in the northern hemisphere. We are faced with a radioactive spewing Fukushima leak worse than Chernobyl ever was. Fukushima continues without abatement and may go on much longer.

Then there is all that vaporized “depleted uranium” (DU) from armor piercing weaponry used throughout the Middle East. It’s so bad it used to be a war crime to use DU bullets and shells. This DU issue and Fukushima’s outpouring has stuff floating around throughout the northern hemisphere constantly.

Two years ago, it was discovered that radiation poisoning can be cumulative. So add ionizing radiation from medical X-rays or CT scans and TSA airport scanner checks into the above mentioned mix. All this adds up to a significant accumulation of radiation.

Supplementing with Flax

Even the researchers discovered firsthand the other health benefits of flax: An anti-oxidant, an anti-inflammatory, and a source of abundant omega-3 essential fatty acids. It’s rumored the whole team is now using flax on a daily basis.

Flax seeds can be supplemented by cold pressed flax seed oil, capsules containing flax seed oil, or flax seeds directly. Dr. Johanna Budwig, who developed a cancer cure using a basic diet of flaxseed oil with cottage cheese, discouraged the use of flax seed oil capsules. She favored organic cold pressed flax seed oil in its original bottled form.

But the only way to consume raw flax seeds is by grinding raw flax seeds in a coffee grinder and adding the powder to food or water or by simply eating the powder by the spoonful with a water chaser. Make sure you use bulk organic flax seeds, either gold or brown.

Bulk organic flax seeds are very inexpensive. Some health experts recommend at least two tablespoons of ground flax seeds per day. With today’s scary scenario of constant radiation, it might be wise to double that daily dose. There are no negative side effects from consuming flax seeds.

Caveat Don’t grind up a bunch of flax seeds and let them sit around. They should be consumed within two hours of grinding. Once they’re ground, they lose their nutritional value quickly. But as bulk raw seeds before grinding, they have a very long shelf life.

[Editor’s Note: NaturalNews is strongly against the use of all forms of animal testing. We fully support implementation of humane medical experimentation that promotes the health and wellbeing of all living creatures.]

About the author:
Paul Fassa is dedicated to warning others about the current corruption of food and medicine and guiding others toward a direction for better health with no restrictions on health freedom. You can visit his blog http://healthmaven.blogspot.com

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