
Joe Weider receives a Resolution from the city of LA

Joe Weider receives a Resolution from the city of LA

It is with great pleasure that Joe Wheatley Productions in conjunction with Councilmen Bill Rosendahl, 11th District, City of Los Angeles were able to present a Resolution from the City of LA honoring Joe Weider, Father of Fitness and Nutrition, for his dedication and lifetime commitment to physical fitness, nutrition and a healthy lifestyle.

During a ceremony at City Hall on Friday, January 22, 2010, the Muscle Beach Venice Bodybuilding Hall of Fame, Lifetime Achievement Inductee with his wife Betty, family and friends received recognition and acknowledgement for his 73 year commitment to his philosophy.

Standing proud, Joe acknowledged his meager beginnings in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. He described his early achievements in publishing magazines, books and inventing equipment that supported weight training as a form of exercise. He went on to include nutrition in his publications and soon became the co-innovator and voice of the International Federation of Bodybuilding (IFBB). He described his dedication and persistence when the health care community including physicians and mental health workers thought his ideas were “nuts”.

In the picture are Councilman Bernard Parks, Betty & Joe Weider, Councilman Bill Rosendahl, Joe Wheatley, and Councilman Tom LaBonge.

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