7 Things You Must Do For Definition

Summer is just around the corner and you’ve packed on some new muscle mass, but now you’re dying to get really hard and cut up. Whether you’ve dieted for definition or not, before you begin your plan to get seriously defined you are probably thinking: Where do I start and what should I do?If you want to show off your best body this summer and get seriously defined, this week I’m going to show you how.

The first cut is the hardest.

Just like the first $10,000 is harder than the first $100,000 – it gets easier once you overcome that first wall. It’s the same with fat loss. Losing the first pound can sometimes be harder than the last pound. And getting that first cut of definition on your body is always the hardest.

Getting Defined Is NOT Easy.

Once you understand that getting defined is hard, then it becomes easy. The people who fail at getting defined start with the mindset that is should be easy – it’s not, which is why you see very few people on the streets who look truly impressive.

Serious bodybuilders would agree that building muscle is difficult and have this mindset that, “I’m going to spend a few months bulking up and then just cut the fat.” You don’t “just cut the fat.” Not for most and probably not for you either. Getting defined is very possible for anybody but requires a mindset that, “This is going to be tough.”

Grasp The Lean Threshold

The Lean Threshold applies to men and women and we’ll use a man for this example. The Lean Threshold suggests that at certain body fat levels a man will look the same. This means that if a man is 13-18% body then you will not be able to distinguish the difference. 10% body fat for a man is very lean. 18% or more of fat for a men is fat. If a man is under 10% fat or over 18% fat then you’ll clearly be able to tell he’s “lean” or “fat.” Anything in between is very vague and it is very hard to notice any differences.

What does this mean to you? If you truly want to stand out this summer, you need to get out of the “vague” zone and get close to 10% body fat. The equivalent of 10% body fat for a male is about 15% fat for a female.

7 Things You Must Do For Definition

1. Give Yourself Enough Time

Time, your best ally. Give your program time to work. Some “pros” can drop 50 pounds of fat in 8-weeks. Others, it will take an entire year to get rid of 50 pounds of fat. Don’t underestimate how much time it will take to get yourself defined. Most likely you have more fat to lose than you think. Get your body fat measured and plan to lose at least 1% of your fat each week.

For most people, it takes 12 to 16 weeks, to get below the lean threshold so if you plan on being ripped for summertime, you’re already behind, let’s get started today.

2. Use The Mirror

Bodybuilding is a visual sport. If it appears you need to lose more fat, then you do. The mirror does not lie. Go by what you see, not by what numbers on a scale tell you. Plus, don’t feel like a narcissist for looking at yourself in the mirror. The mirror is the equivalent of your bank account and a simple reflection of the amounts of withdrawals and deposits you’ve made. As my Dad always warns me, “Just don’t fall in love with yourself, Vince.” (Every one is guilty of a little narcissism and I’m the first one to admit it).

3. Eat For Definition

Training is important but rely on nutrition to lead the way to leanness. Think of it this way: you could train 4-hours a day and still not get lean, ripped and defined if your nutrition is not right. Getting defined requires you to currently be on a good nutritional program before you begin your definition diet. If your nutrition is poor before you start cutting calories, you will end up losing muscle while your fat persists.

4. Weigh Less Each Week

Only genetic freaks or people on steroids can can go on a definition diet and gain muscle weight at the same time. You’ll have to lose weight on the scale to lose the fat. Bodybuilders hate seeing the scale go down because they work so hard to see it go up. Remember, the lean threshold. Once you get into that 10% fat zone, you’ll in fact appear larger and more muscular. That’s what happens when you get defined.

085I don’t remember this guys name! I remember him being his is late 50’s and saying to myself, “I need a pic with this guy to inspire all my readers.”

5. Eat Only Clean Calories

You know that clean calories come from vegetables, along with some fruits; proteins, including fish chicken and lean beef; carbs such as oatmeal, brown rice, sweet potatoes and whole grains; good fats like fish, olive oil, and flax seed oils.

Understand how to get defined properly: nourish your muscles with clean calories to melt the fat and not lose muscle. If you cut all the carbs and fats from your diet, you’ll lose muscle, which is dangerous and can lead to other problems.

6. Don’t Use Calculators

Unless you don’t have access to a mirror in your home (notice my sarcasm), you don’t need formulas or calculators. Rely on the mirror. The only time you need to do some number crunching is before you begin your definition diet. Estimate how much fat you need to lose and step on the scale once a week to ensure your dropping at 1% per week. The mirror will ultimately tell you if you need to make adjustments.

Formulas that tell you to eat X number of calories and X number of grams per pound of bodyweight etc are good for complete beginners who need a starting point. However, what if the formula does not work for you?

The mirror will never fail you. The formulas will. Stick to the foundational principles of training hard 5-6x a week and eating 5-6 meals a day and make regular adjustments based on your bodies changes.

7. Stick To The Plan

Most people never reach their goals because they quit too soon. They don’t trust the program or trust their efforts. Getting defined takes time so figure out what keeps you motivated and use it. Don’t wait for somebody else to motivate you and don’t wait for “a better time” in your life. It will NEVER come. Today is better than any day so commit to your plan of getting defined and follow through to the end.

On a final note, enjoy the journey to the finish line. It will not be easy the entire way, but take satisfaction in the progress you make each week and remind yourself that you are chasing after a worthwhile goal that will give you great satisfaction. Not to mention that you’ll inspire a lot of close friends and family who will benefit from you being a positive role model in their lives.

Vince DelMonte is the author of No Nonsense Muscle Building: Skinny Guy Secrets To Insane Muscle Gain found at www.VinceDelMonteFitness.comHe specializes in teaching skinny guys how to build muscle and gain weight quickly without drugs, supplements and training less than before.

About the Author:

Vince DelMonte is the author of No Nonsense Muscle Building: Skinny Guy Secrets To Insane Muscle Gain foundat VinceDelMonteFitness.comHe specializes in teaching skinny guys how to build muscle and gain weight quickly without drugs, supplements and training less than before. A world famous fitness coach and author, Vince DelMonte is known as the top “Skinny Guy” expert and has helped more skinny guys and girls defeat their muscle unfriendly genes without drugs and supplements.Vince is a national competing fitness model champion, the most sought out fitness coach in his area, a regular contributor to Men’s Fitness magazine and the author of the world’s top muscle building course for hardgainers, No Nonsense Muscle Building. You can get more information at VinceDelMonteFitness.com

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