FDA to Destroy $1.3 Million in Dietary Supplements Containing Unapproved Ingredients
The Food and Drug Administration will destroy more than 23,000 bottles of dietary supplements which were found to contain one or more unapproved additives that could be dangerous to consumers.
The supplements were sold under the brand names Methyl 1-D, Methyl 1-D XL and Formadrol Extreme XL and sold over the Internet and across the country at fitness retail stores and other locations, the FDA said. The supplements were distributed by LG Sciences LLC of Brighton, Mich. and marketed to body builders as muscle-building compounds.
U.S. Marshals recently seized thousands of bottles of the dietary supplement products as part of an ongoing FDA investigation. Laboratory tests found the supplements contained one or more unapproved food additives and new dietary ingredients, which the FDA could not be sure was safe, the agency said.
The products contained 1,4,6-androstatriene-3,17-dione, also known as “ATD” or 1,4,6-etioallocholan-dione. The condemned Formadrol Extreme XL contained ATD and 3,6,17-androstenetrione (also known as “6-OXO”). Both of these substances are steroids that inhibit the activity of the enzyme aromatase and may be found in dietary supplements promoted to boost testosterone levels, according to the FDA.
The FDA requested and received court approval from the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Michigan, Southern Division to destroy the forfeited supplements, which were valued at $1.3 million, the FDA said.
Consumers who have the condemned dietary supplements in their possession are advised to consult their health care professionals and report if they have experienced any adverse events that they suspect are related to the products’ use.
The FDA action follows the recent recall of all Hydroxycut dietary supplements, which were linked to at least one death and scores of cases of liver damage.